Thursday, October 27, 2011

Green pudding tastes like NOT what I expected

When I was four and in preschool, my mom let me choose a pudding mix from the Jello section at the Kroger's. The pale pastel green of one pudding looked so pretty to me, I picked it. We took it home and my mom bought a hand mixer, and we made instant pudding together. I had much fun doing that; but the best part was trying the pastel green pudding. YUMMMM...ICK oh no oh noo oh noooo. It wasn't lime pudding at all. It wasn't even fruity. It was strange and I didn't like it. At some point it settled in on my brain that this was pistachio pudding. Tricked. I was tricked.

After all these years I realize the reason I didn't know that the pudding was artificially pistachio flavored rather than fruit flavored was because I hadn't yet learned to read. I hadn't even learned my right from my left.

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