Sunday, September 25, 2011

from the New York Times: Gov. Perry, Romney Prove: White People All Look Alike

The Caucus - The Politics and Government blog of The New York Times
September 23, 2011, 8:53 AM

Perry’s Image Problem

Photo by Phelan M. Ebenhack 
Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, left, and Mitt Romney participated in a debate on Thursday in Orlando, Fla. Mr. Perry’s comments were booed.

ORLANDO, Fla. — In 2007, Senator John McCain of Arizona discovered the hard way that being an older white man was a nonstarter in the presidential contest. “All white people kind of  look the same,” said Eugene Lee of Annandale, Virginia. “I can’t tell them apart. That’s why I’m voting for Obama.”  John Cho of Torrance, California, and Grace Chung of Rockville, Maryland, expressed similar opinions, raising the question of whether white kids in junior high who said that “Asians all look the same” were remotely aware of the possibility that white people also share a sometimes problematic lack of phenotypic variation.
At every town-hall style meeting that year, voters stood up and assailed Mr. McCain for looking so gosh darn, well, WHITE, from head to toe.
Now, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is facing a similar challenge. His physical resemblance to Mitt Romney has left many minority voters in a state of confusion about which man goes with which name. From Los Angeles to New York, African American, Asian American, and Latino American voters have questioned whether they will be able to remember which guy is Mitt Romney and which one is Rick Perry.
Sources close to both governors say, “They use the same color of Just For Men hair dye, only Romney uses more of it whereas Perry goes light. For television appearances, Romney uses Chanel foundation Vita Lumiere in shade 03, and Perry uses Bobbi Brown oil-free foundation in warm beige. But they are almost the exact same color—Romney likes his foundation just a tad pinker because he thinks it makes him look more alive and fresh.”
If all else fails, voters should inspect the candidates’ coifs. Romney brushes his hair to the right, Perry to the left. 
Well, I made this stuff up. The real article is about immigration, and you can read it here:  "Perry's Immigration Problem"

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