Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Name Your Dog: "Sit, Jason Schwartzman, Sit. GOOD Doggy!"

One technique of naming your pet dog or cat is to pick a goofy actor you really like, and then give the animal the first name and surname of the actor. 
E.g. Jason Schwartzman, actor and musician related to Sofia Coppola but talented in his own right! And not because his mother is Adrienne from ROCKY. (Talia Shire.) see pic here:

Movies he has been in: Rushmore, Marie Antoinette, Shopgirl, the Darjeeling Limited, etc.

His picture is really hard to Google because guess what? That last name is a doozy to type! Don't worry, dogs and cats don't type, so they won't have to worry about that.

"Jason Schwartzman, sit! NO! Bad puppy. Do NOT poop on the carpet."
"Down, Jason Schwartzman, down boy."
& "Jason Schwartzman, you are a good doggy, yes you are!"

Utter lack of transition.
RANDOM QUOTE OF THE DAY by a friend being playful: 
" I'm so tolerant, that I'm extremely intolerant of those who aren't tolerant."

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