Friday, November 4, 2011

Asana Startup Launches Into the Universe; Uses Pets to Make Money

Monthly Business Report

Asana Startup Launches Into the Universe
November 2011
What the LA Times knows: Asana is a startup worth covering. Bloomberg Business Week and The New York Times agree.
Asana’s grand plan? To make money off of software that improves work productivity and collaboration.
Created by the co-founder of Facebook, aka the WORLD’S YOUNGEST BILLIONAIRE, Dustin Moskowitz, and his friend Justin Rosenstein (no idea who HE is), this embarrassingly hippie/hipster, Burning Man-loving, ”Om”-murmuring tech startup in San Francisco’s Mission District launched today. While its computer programmers are probably getting high-- picture them sporting Mohawks and henna, giving shout-outs to each other at office meetings (and worse, give one another lots of spontaneous gushy appreciation messages), The Plan To Make Money has officially begun, and only time will tell whether Asana and The World’s Youngest Billionaire will win the race against Google Docs and other collaborative software makers.
Says the LA Times:
“It's an ambitious gambit for a young start-up. Moskovitz and Rosenstein are newcomers to the competitive business of selling business software. Asana is going after the lucrative businesses of technology giants such as Microsoft that have been making productivity and collaboration software for years. Google has also been making inroads in business software with Google Docs. Other upstart rivals include, Yammer and Jive which have sprung up more recently.
But Moskovitz and Rosenstein say the cumbersome and slow software that most companies produce has not convinced people to stop relying on email and Post It notes to plan tasks and keep up with their colleagues on a project.
"Other people have tried to crack this nut before. All the solutions are fundamentally failing. We know that because no one has adopted them, even companies that pay for fancy collaboration software, it just sits on the shelf," Rosenstein said.
Asana, which has 19 employees in San Francisco's Mission District and has raised $10.2 million from investors including Benchmark Capital and Andreessen Horowitz, has been beta testing the software since last year with thousands of users at hundreds of companies. One of those companies is the sports and entertainment talent agency Wasserman Media Group, which uses it to organize its executive team.
Asana is taking an unconventional approach to promoting its business software. Usually a company's top IT manager buys productivity software. Asana is giving away its software free to groups of up to 30 people in hopes that once employees become enamored with the software, they will persuade their companies to buy a paid version with more features that Asana plans to release down the road.”
And now,
let’s go to the REAL STORY OF THE DAY:
World’s Youngest Billionaire Says, Pets at Work = Secret to Success
Asana’s new proposal for deploying kittens in its office was released on its website today. Written in characteristically dorky engineering speak, the proposal may be a sign that PETS at WORK are a good thing and help even us in The Plans To Make Money. Obviously if the Youngest Billionaire In The WORLD is doing it, we should do—Dogs, at work. YES.

Asana’s Proposal for Office Kittens Deployment 

\Go HERE for photos-->


1. Introduction

1.1 Goals

1.       Create shareholder value
2.       Maximize cuteness

1.2 Non-Goals

1.       Reduce server load and data storage requirements

2. Summary

We propose acquiring two small kittens, and installing them in the Asana office. The kittens are expected to frolic, take naps, cuddle with each other and other office occupants. It is also likely that they will engage in various acts of adorableness and displays of affection.

3. Alternative Solutions

A few alternatives were considered, and while they each have compelling benefits, were ultimately dismissed.

3.1 Office Llama
·        fun to say
·        could be used as short-range transportation
·        spits at people and/or monitors
·        may be difficult to bring up the stairs
·        may require having office rezoned as a farm

3.2 Office Killer Robot
·        provides strong security guarantees
·        will murder us all, possibly reducing shareholder value
·        increase our electricity usage

4. Design Considerations

4.1 Age

While younger kittens are cuter, they are also more helpless. We propose a target age of 12 weeks. See

4.2 Breed

The main consideration for breed is the potential for allergies. As there doesn’t appear to be hypoallergenic breed, we propose any short-haired breed. See

4.3 Gender

Studies show that female cats are less likely to cause allergies, so we recommend females.

4.4 Count

We recommend exactly two kittens. Since the cats will spend time alone in the office, having two would reduce the anthropomorphically projected boredom they experience. Having more than two risks having Asana be branded as a crazy cat lady, potentially reducing shareholder value.

5. Integration Plan

It’s our belief that the kittens will integrate seamlessly into the existing office infrastructure. Though it’s hard to foresee possible incompatibilities, there are countless examples of kittens being deployed in production. Furthermore, it’s our belief that kittens are specifically well suited to Asana’s existing investments.

5.1 Supporting Infrastructure

In order to support the deployment of Office Kittens, we will also need to deploy automated food and water delivery systems, as well as a waste removal system. These systems are relatively cheap, and several Asana employees have previous experience installing, operating, and maintaining them in production.

6. Internationalization Plan

Dude, they are cats.

7. Monitoring and Logging

There is currently no monitoring or logging plan, but it is possible that in the future we may want to set up video equipment either in the office, or on the cats themselves.

8. Security

It’s our belief that the kittens will provide a sufficient amount of security and no additional provisions will be necessary.

9. Additional Benefits

There is an existing body of evidence that suggests we can expect additional benefits from this deployment. Though it should be noted that most of it is anecdotal, and there have not been any peer-reviewed studies. That said, we might gain significant increases in efficiency across all our departments, from IT to accounting.

10. Authors

David Braginsky 
Malcolm Handley

11. Revision History

David Braginsky

Thursday, November 3, 2011

J.Crew Is Cracked Up

J.Crew is like a drug. 
It's crack that's legal. 
They made nice clothes before, and they were sort of expensive but not impossibly expensive. I liked the products. Then they began to make nicer clothes and increased the prices somewhat. I was hooked. Then they started making really lovely clothing at yet higher prices, and I admired the clothes and shook my head at the prices. J.Crew continues to make increasingly beautiful garments at increasingly stiff prices once reserved for the likes of labels most people consider to be luxury items. It's become a monster of selling luxury priced clothing to the masses who like me can't really afford it but will still go buy some things from time to time (the fit! the fabric! the colors and fresh designs!)
It's my monster. Yet the clothes are so beautiful and some things come in PETITES which is hugely important when you have shorter legs and getting alterations adds time and money to every pair of regular pants you would otherwise buy.
It's terrible. It's materialism at its worst because it makes me and many other women covet things. I love it, I hate it. We need an episode of the TV show INTERVENTION that is about gross J.Crew addictions. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Green pudding tastes like NOT what I expected

When I was four and in preschool, my mom let me choose a pudding mix from the Jello section at the Kroger's. The pale pastel green of one pudding looked so pretty to me, I picked it. We took it home and my mom bought a hand mixer, and we made instant pudding together. I had much fun doing that; but the best part was trying the pastel green pudding. YUMMMM...ICK oh no oh noo oh noooo. It wasn't lime pudding at all. It wasn't even fruity. It was strange and I didn't like it. At some point it settled in on my brain that this was pistachio pudding. Tricked. I was tricked.

After all these years I realize the reason I didn't know that the pudding was artificially pistachio flavored rather than fruit flavored was because I hadn't yet learned to read. I hadn't even learned my right from my left.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Big Box Stores Growing, Humans Shrinking...Judgment Day Nearing

(What should have been two or three blog posts are now smashed into one hodge-podge post about Wall-E, Terminator 2, James Cameron, the 80s, and the creepiness of Big Box Stores. Oops.)

Wall-E: Looks just like T2 Judgment Day minus the guns
Before robots took over the earth in the future, there was something else that took it over: trash. Trash covered Earth and swallowed up humans. Obviously, everyone who has watched Pixar's WALL-E knows this. See above graphic.
And before trash took over the earth, before robots took over the earth in the future, there was something else that took it over: the 80s!!!!!!!! 
The 80s were so scary. Man celebs didn't wear makeup.

If you happened to be born in A.D. 1984 in the year of James Cameron's ascent to Hollywood success, born as a younger sister to two older boys, you were forced to watch (at a premature age) many a movie such as Aliens, Enter the Dragon, James Bond, and also, Terminator 2. 
That is the movie that eventually led to my brothers and I watching Terminator 1, which was very much a very inappropriate movie for children. I didn't care to see Linda Hamilton naked. Her hair was so bad back then.
Anyway Judgment Day would come not for us with our minor R-rated film-watching transgressions, but for the human race, because robots became sentient and took over the Earth. See top photo.
And before I wanted to talk about Terminator 2, there was something else getting increasingly scary that I wanted to point out. There was something else growing way too big and way too powerful and I'm not talking about James Cameron, or Titanic, or Avatar. I'm not talking about Arnold and his movie career and his Governator history (of scandal). I'm talking about the BIG BOX STORE.  
Once limited to Walmart and such, it's now also become the way of life for our grocery stores and even our Michael's Crafts supply store, once friendly locales that now loom like rectangular dead dinosaurs over our heads when we go shopping in suburbia. There was no dinosaur THAT big, yo. Walking up to stores nowadays is almost like an illusion, (except it's real,) a trick of the eye in which you think you are walking closer to the same Walmart you used to go to back in 1999, but *no*. These new stores have the strange ability to not get any closer to human scale as you approach them, but to grow seemingly bigger as you get closer...
A Julie Park Original Doctored Photo

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Michael Phelps Is A CETACEAN (a whale, porpoise, or dolphin)

 Dear Michael Phelps,
I am a dinky swimmer. As a child signed up for a swim team called the Blue Dolphins, I began in the beginner's lane, and while other children moved up lanes as they improved, I remained forever in the beginner's lane.

But I enjoyed swimming for fun, and I still do. I am recently learning that with the help of a Speedo nose plug, I can do a dinky flip turn, which I could not do when I was little. That said, I've been watching videos on YouTube on how to do a flip turn, and I saw your video: Michael Phelps Flip Turn-- Cetacean Style. As you push off the wall and swim underwater back up to the surface, all I could think was that you look exactly like a cetacean. Maybe not a whale, but definitely a porpoise or a dolphin-- see? Porpoises looking exactly like Phelps. The resemblance is uncanny. Here you are in the top photo (or is the bottom photo? I can't tell which is the dolphin and which is you):

Well, I just thought you should know that you are a cetacean after all, and the gold medals reflect that.
Your flip turn fan,
Julie Park (Everyone has this name. It's impossible to tell one Julie Park online apart from another. It's amazing to use your real name on the Internet and still be totally anonymous. It's also amazing that you are a cetacean.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Name Your Dog: "Sit, Jason Schwartzman, Sit. GOOD Doggy!"

One technique of naming your pet dog or cat is to pick a goofy actor you really like, and then give the animal the first name and surname of the actor. 
E.g. Jason Schwartzman, actor and musician related to Sofia Coppola but talented in his own right! And not because his mother is Adrienne from ROCKY. (Talia Shire.) see pic here:

Movies he has been in: Rushmore, Marie Antoinette, Shopgirl, the Darjeeling Limited, etc.

His picture is really hard to Google because guess what? That last name is a doozy to type! Don't worry, dogs and cats don't type, so they won't have to worry about that.

"Jason Schwartzman, sit! NO! Bad puppy. Do NOT poop on the carpet."
"Down, Jason Schwartzman, down boy."
& "Jason Schwartzman, you are a good doggy, yes you are!"

Utter lack of transition.
RANDOM QUOTE OF THE DAY by a friend being playful: 
" I'm so tolerant, that I'm extremely intolerant of those who aren't tolerant."

Monday, September 26, 2011

Roald Dahl's "Matilda": THE TRUNCHBULL Was Real! A Real B----, That Is

Roald Dahl didn't really have to invent The Trunchbull, the villainous headmistress in "MATILDA." That torpedo-bosomed bitch is a fictional amalgamation of all the real bastards he endured the "care" of as a 9 to 13 year old boy living at a boarding school for boys in England.

As if George Orwell's essay, "Such, Such Were the Joys"    were not a sufficiently damning indictment of the treatment of little boys at English boarding schools during a certain early 20th century time period, the very comical Dahl has proved there are many hilarious and yet sadistic incidents about the wrongs done to children in those schools at that time. Just read the brief, easy-to-read memoir, "Boy: Tales of Childhood" by Roald Dahl. It is very fun, very easy, and also filled with happy fun memories of a sweet family life-- so at home things were very good. This explains the happy sweet fun-ness in all those kids books by Dahl. It all has the same spirit and makes me laugh.
George Orwell's essays
True story

But more about the Trunchbull. In real life there were multiple adults who hated children and treated them as insects. One was the Matron. She was a frighteningly bosomed woman who was in charge of the little boys in teh dormitory. If ever they were sick, they were afraid to tell her. For when one boy of age 9 named Tweedie snored in his sleep, the Matron used scissors on her belt to shave soap into little shards until she had a fistful. She then dribbled into Tweedie's mouth. All the boys in the dormitory lay in their beds frozen in horror and terror watching her out of the corner of their eyes:
"Nothing happened. Tweedie kept right on snoring. Then suddenly he began to gurgle and white bubbles appeared around his lips. The bubbles grew and grew until in the end his whole face seemed to be smothered in a bubble foaming white soapy froth. It was a horrific sight. Then all at once, Tweedie gave a very great cough and a splutter and he sat up very fast and began clawing at his face with his hands. 'Oh!' he stuttered. 'Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh no! Wh-Wh-What's happening? Wh-what's on my face! Somebody help me!'
The Matron threw him a face flannel and said, 'Wipe it off. And don't ever let me hear you snoring again.'"

You couldn't tell your parents what was happening. Every sunday morning at 9 am children went to class to write letters to their parents for 1 hour. The headmaster would patrol the rooms and read over their shoulders.

Also, one woman was named Mrs Pratchett. This old hag sold candy to children in her shop. After a deliciously mischievous prank on deservedly punk'd Mrs Pratchett, Dahl and his friends received bloody bruised cane beatings from their headmaster while Mrs Pratchett sat and said, 'Harder! Sticth em up! Make it sting! Warm his backside for him!"

That night Dahl returned home with red stripes and blue bruises on his butt, discovered by his nanny and mom at bathtime. That night his mom marched over to the school and told the headmaster Roald would not be back for the next semester.

At 5 am in the morning when I couldn't sleep sleep, or at 12 pm in the afternoon when I finally stopped sleeping for today, I really enjoyed this little book. Roald Dahl really remembers the innocence and comradeship of being a kid, only he is far more clever and funny than most.